Azure DevOps Training Course


v  Azure Cloud [ Iaas , PaaS, Saas]

v  Azure Network concepts

v  Azure Security

v  IAC [Arm templates, AzCLI and Terraform]

v  Azure DevOps

 1. Introduction to Azure

·       Cloud technology overview

·       Overview of Azure

·       Managing Azure with the Azure portal

·       Managing Azure with AZCLI

 2. Implementing and managing Azure networking

·       Overview of Azure networking

·       Implementing and managing Azure virtual networks

·       Configuring Azure virtual networks

·       Configuring Azure virtual network connectivity

·       Configuring the Subnets

·       Configuring Virtual Network Region Peering

·       Configuring Virtual Network Global Peering

·       Understanding Azure to On-Prem Connectivity

·       Deploying Azure Virtual Network Gateway.

·       Understanding User Defined Routes(UDR).

·       Configuring Azure Virtual Network Gateway with AWS over IPSec VPN.

·       Implementing Azure Service End Points.

·       Understanding Hub and Spoke Architecture

3. Understanding and Configuring Network Security Groups (NSG)

·       Understanding Azure Network Security Groups (NSG)

·       Creating and Updating Inbound & Outbound Security Rules.

·       Understanding NSG Rule Hierarchy.

·       Testing Network Security Groups and leaning rule priority.

·       Creating NSG Rules with Service tags.

·       Understanding Application Security Groups (ASG).

·       Creating NSG with Application Security Groups.

 4. Understanding and Configuring Azure Firewall

·       Overview of Azure Firewall as a Service.

·       Creating UDR and AzureFirewallSubnet.

·       Deploy Azure Firewall.

·       Configure routing on UDR and assigning to subnets.

·       Create Network Rule Collection and check the traffic.

·       Create Application Rule Collection and block traffic to websites.

·       Understand SNAT and DNAT in Azure Firewall.

·       Creating DNAT for Azure machine using Azure Firewall

 5. Implementing & Configuring Azure Virtual Machines

·       Overview Azure virtual machines

·       Deploy virtual machines in Azure portal

·       Deploy virtual machines using Azure CLI

·       Managing Azure Virtual machine storage

·       Understanding Availability sets, Fault Domain & Update Domain.

·       Creating & place virtual machine in Availability Sets.

 6. Designing & Implementing Azure Load Balancing

·       Overview on Load Balancing

·       Type of Load Balancers in Azure

·       Basic Vs Standard Load Balancer

·       Deploying Basic Load Balancer with Availability Sets.

·       Creating Backend Pools, Health probes and Load Balance rules.

·       Checking the Load Balancing scenarios.

·       Configuring NAT using Basic Load Balancer.

 7. Implement and configure Azure DNS & Azure Standard Load Balancer

·       Understanding Azure DNS.

·       Buying a domain name for

·       Creating Azure DNS Zone and configure with Godaddy.

·       Creating 3 Availability Sets and place single virtual machine in each AVSet.

·       Create Azure Standard Load Balancer and create backend pool and assign all the 3 AVSets.

·       Check the Load Balancing between the servers in different AV-Sets.

·       Create Host Records for Server and check the name resolution.

·       Create the CNAME record for the Load Balancer and check the website resolution

 8. Configuring Azure Application gateway

·       Understanding Azure Application Gateway architecture.

·       Understanding Path Based Routing in AGW.

·       Creating multiple VMs and configuring application gateway.

·       Check pathing based routing using AGW.

9. Configuring Auto Scaling with Virtual Machine Scale Sets(VMSS)

·       Understanding Azure VMSS

·       Creating a Azure VM Image for VMSS

·       Deploy VMSS with the custom image.

·       Performing stress testing on the VMSS.

·       Check AutoScaling of VMs under stress testing

 10.Planning and implementing Azure Storage

·       Azure Storage account overview

·       Understand Blob Storage

·       Understand File Shares

·       Configuring Azure FileSync

·       Data migration using Azure storage explorer

·       Manage Azure Storage permissions

·       Azure Static Website deployment

 11. Configure and Mange Azure Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

·       Backup and disaster recovery overview

·       Backup VMware Servers to Azure

·       Backup Azure VM & Azure SQL instances

·       Azure replication and failover groups

·       Azure disaster recovery vault configuration

 12.Planning and implementing Azure SQL Database

·       Azure SQL database(PaaS) vs SQL database (IaaS)

·       Structured vs Unstructured data

·       DTUs - Azure SQL

·       Azure SQL Global Replication and Failover Group

 13. Implementing Azure App services

·       Azure Web Apps overview ( PaaS)

·       Deploying and Managing Web Apps

·       Azure App Service plan

·       Azure Deployment slots

·       Azure Web Apps for scale and resilience

 14. Implementing Azure Active Directory

·       Azure Domain services

·       Azure Active Directory overview

·       Deploy and configure Active directory

·       Create and manage users and groups

·       Extending On-premise Active directory to Azure

·       Configure Azure AD connect

·       Role based access control (RBAC) overview

·       Configure domain users and groups to access Azure portal

 15. Configure Diagnostics, Monitoring, and Analytics

·       Azure Monitoring and alerts configuration

·       Log analytics

·       Insights virtual machines and network

 16.Azure Logic Apps

·       Creating Logic Apps and executing.


·       Introduction to terraform

·       Infrastructure Automation

·       Install Terraform

·       Providers

·       Resources

·       Basic Syntax Exercise: Your First Script Getting started with Terraform

·       Terraform Plan, show, Apply, Destroy

·       Exploring Terraform Registry

·       Terraform console and Output

·       Terraform Variables

·       Breaking out Our Variables and Outputs

·       Lab exercise: Breaking down into,

 Terraform Modules

·       Introduction to Modules

·       Modules repositories

·       First basic Module

·       Main Terraform code

 Terraform with Azure – Lab part-1

·       Setting up system for Azure

·       Setting up storage account in azure

·       Setting up Resource group on Azure


·       Remote State

·       Data Sources

·       Templates

·       Working with State files

Terraform with Azure – Lab part-2

·       Setting up Vnet on Azure Setting up Subnets on Azure

·       Setting up NSG on Azure

·       Setting up Azure Virtual machine


 Azure DevOps

Why DevOps What is DevOps Azure DevOps tools Key Features Azure Boards

·       Refining Backlogs on Azure Boards

·       Creating the work items/tasks in Azure Boards

·       Tracking the work items using Azure Boards

·       Team Dashboards

·       Custom reporting

·       Sprint planning

 Azure Git Repos: Branching and Version Control

Why use a version control system?

·       Pull requests

·       Branching Models

·       Branching Strategies

·       Sharing code across Projects

·       Builds and Branches

·       Branch Policies

·       Triggering Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

·       Azure Pipelines

·       Continuous Integration

·       Continuous Deployment / Delivery

·       Build Pipelines

·       Release Pipelines

·       Azure pipelines – Classic editor

·       CI/CD (classic) pipelines for dot net application

·       Agents and agents pools, self-hosted agent, Microsoft hosted agent, Parallel

·       jobs execution, Variables groups

·       CI/CD for Infrastructure as Code

·       Terraform and Azure Pipelines

·       CI/CD (classic) pipelines for terraform code and deploy into azure

·       CI/CD (yaml) pipelines for terraform code and deploy into azure

·       Azure Pipelines – Terraform – Virtual machine

·       Azure Pipelines – Terraform – Storage Account

·       Service Connections

·       Azure Pipelines – YAMl

·       YAMl – multistaged pipeline

·       configuring pipeline using docker and kubernetes

Azure Test plans & Azure Artifacts

·       Azure Test plans

·       Working with Test cases

·       Creating & sharing packages

·       Understanding the packages

·       Publishing the packages to Azure Artifacts.

·       Adding packages to your pipeline

                • Package management