DevOps training in Hyderabad | DevOps training in Kukatpally/KPHB|DevOps Online training 

DevOps training in Kukatpally/KPHB, Hyderabad covers topics from beginner level to advanced level with lots of examples.

Kosmik Technologies is one of the best Devops Training Institutes in KPHB, Hyderabad. Here the trainers are highly qualified working one of the MNCs. The Devops Training class consists of more practical sessions   

what is Devops?

A set of practices that combines software development and IT operations is called Devops. Providing continuos delivery with high software quality by reducing the system development life cycle is the main aim of Devops. DevOps comes free with Agile software development;most of the DevOps aspects came from the Agile methodology. By adopting Devops principles, organizations can improve quality of code,achieve a faster time into market and gets busy in better application planning.

Kosmik Technologies offers comprehensive DevOps training, covering all the concepts from the basic level to the advanced level, with hands-on training by expert trainers.

DevOps brings a change in mindset for IT culture. In building on top of Agile and lean practices, it focuses on incremental development and rapid delivery of software. Adopting a DevOps strategy enables businesses to increase operational efficiencies, deliver better products faster,and reduce security and risk of compliance.


Why Kosmik Technologies for DevOps Training In Hyderabad, Kukatpally/KPHB

Kosmik technologies offering DevOps training in Hyderabad. Get trained by 15+ years of real-time IT experience, 4+ years of DevOps & AWS experience. Kosmik is one of the trusted institutes for DevOps classroom & Online training


Devops with AWS & Linux

       DevOps (development & operations) is an endeavor software development express used to mean a type of agile connection amongst development & IT operations. The objective of DevOps is to change & enhance the relationship by upholding better correspondence and coordinated effort between these two business units.


DevOps Course Syllabus


1.  Introduction to Dev-ops

      • Why Dev-ops?
      • Evolution of Software Development
          • Waterfall Model
          • Agile Methodology
      • What is Dev-ops?
      • Dev-ops Lifecycle Phrases
          • Continuous Development
          • Continuous Testing
          • Continuous Integration
          • Continuous Deployment
            • Configuration Management Tools
            • Containerization Tools
      • Continuous Monitoring
      • Dev-ops Tools


2.   Introduction to Cloud Computing(AWS)

      • Why AWS cloud
      • What is cloud
      • Public, private, hybrid clouds
      • IAAS, SAAS, PAAS cloud models
      • AWS VPC
      • EC2 Essentials
        1. AMI, Instance Types, EBS Volumes, Snapshots
      • Security groups
      • Key pairs
      • LAB: Launch and connect to an EC2 instance

Kosmik Provides DevOps training in Hyderabad. We are providing lab facilities with complete real-time training. Training is based on complete advance concepts. So that you can get easily


      • Basic linux/unix commands
      • Changing file permissions and ownership
      • Types of links soft and hard link
      • Filter commands
      • Start and stop services
      • Find and kill the process with id and name
      • Package installation using RPM and yum


4.  Continuous Development

      • Introduction of version control systems
        1. Centralized Version Control System (CVCS)
        2. Distributed Version Control System (DVCS)
      • What is GIT
      • Features of GIT & Workflow
      • How GIT plays a vital role in Devops?
      • Commands and Operations in GIT
        1. Initialize
        2. Add
        3. Commit
        4. Pull
        5. Push
        6. Branching
        7. Merging
        8. Rebasing
      • How to install GIT in windows
      • Introduction to Github
      • Git Vs GitHub
      • LAB:
        1. Create Repository in Github
        2. Create Branches and perform Operations
        3. Cloning and Forking Github Repository
        4. GIT Commands and configuration
        5. Realtime scenario usage of Git & Github

5.   BUILD Tool – Concept & LAB

      • Install Apache Maven
      • Understand Maven dependencies and control Maven classpath
      • Install plugins, manage plugins with a parent POM, and find available plugins
      • Maven build properties


Kosmik Provides DevOps training in Hyderabad. We are providing lab facilities with complete real-time training. Training is based on complete advance concepts. So that you can get easily


6.   Continuous Integration

      • Introduction to Continuous Integration
      • What is Jenkins and its History
      • Advantages of Jenkins
      • Install Java
      • Jenkins Architecture
      • Overview of Jenkins UI
      • LAB:
        1. Jenkins Installation & Plugins
        2. Setup and configuration
        3. Security in Jenkins
        4. Notification system
        5. Create and Run our first Jenkins Job


7. Continuous Deployment

i.   Containerization

        • What is Virtualization
        • What is Containerization
        • Advantages of Containerization over Virtualization
        • Introduction to Docker
        • Benefits of Docker
        • Custom images
        • Docker Files
        • Docker Compose
          1. Terminology in Docker compose
        • LAB:
          1. Installation of Docker
          2. Downloading Docker images.
          3. Uploading the images in Docker Registry
          4. Understanding the Docker containers
          5. Running commands in Docker container.
          6. Running multiple Docker containers.
          7. Docker Image Creation
          8. Creating a custom image.
          9. Publishing the custom image.
          10. Accessing containers
          11. Writing a Docker File
          12. Installing the Docker compose
          13. Build a web app using Docker compose.
          14. Deploy Jenkins on docker container

Kosmik Provides DevOps training in Hyderabad. We are providing lab facilities with complete real-time training. Training is based on complete advance concepts. So that you can get easily


ii.   Configuration Management

        • Ansible Introduction
        • What is Ansible?
        • Why do we need Ansible?
        • Advantages of using Ansible
        • What Ansible can do?
        • Ansible Architecture & Terminology
        • Ansible in DevOps
        • Real-Life usage of Ansible
        • Inventory Files(Host, Dynamic, Static)
        • Playbooks
        • Modules in Ansible
        • LAB:
          1. Ansible Installation & Configuration
          2. Ansible client and server configuration
          3. Running commands in Ansible Management Node
          4. Writing playbooks using YAML
          5. Deploy web applications using Ansible Playbook
          6. Provisioning ec2 instance using Ansible Playbook

8. Continuous Monitoring

        • Why We Need Continuous Monitoring?
        • What Is Continuous Monitoring?
        • What Is Nagios?
        • Nagios Components
        • LAB:
          1. Install & Configure Nagios Core
          2. Create a binary out of Nagios source code
          3. Add A Remote Server Using NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor).
          4. Configure default Monitoringservices
          5. Add/Create customised Service to monitor

9. Tomcat Web Server

        • Installation and configuration
        • Tomcat Manager
        • Application Management
        • Application Deployment
        • LAB:
          1. Install & configure Tomcat container
          2. Set Access & Roles
          3. Launch Tomcat on a browser

Kosmik Provides DevOps training in Hyderabad. We are providing lab facilities with complete real-time training. Training is based on complete advance concepts. So that you can get easily


10. HTTPD Web Service


        • Installation of Apache
        • Configuration of Apache
        • Static Pages
        • Dynamic Pages
        • LAB: Install httpd webserver


11. Mini Devops Project


        • LAB: Create a customized CI/CD Devops pipeline whichwill automatically build & deploy to a container


Kosmik Provides DevOps training in Hyderabad. We are providing lab facilities with complete real-time training. Training is based on complete advance concepts. So that you can get easily


Devops training institutes Hyderabad, Kukatpally at kosmik Training Institute covers topics from beginner level to advanced level. Finally, by the end of Devops Course in Hyderabad you can be confident with DevopsTraining in hyderabad.

Devops training in Kukatpally,KPHB consists of assignments and completely real-time practical Devops job oriented training in Hyderabad . He explains the difficult topics for beginners with ease, provides best Devops examples and makes the student comfortable with the Devops cloud computing training in hyderabad .


Kosmik is the best Devops training institute Hyderabad,KPHB. We are providing Devops Training in hyderabad & lab facilities with complete real-time Devops trainingDevops Training in Kukatpally is based on complete advance concepts. So that you can get easily "hands-on experience". We will give 100% job assistance.Devops Training in kphb, PYTHON Training in Kukatpally,Devops Training in Telangana, Devopstraining institutes in hyderabadDevops course in hyderabad.