- Introduction to web technologies
- Introduction to web applications
- What is FULL, MEAN, MERN Stack
- Editors
- Introduction
- Layers in web application
- Tags, attributes
- Programming
- Audio, Video, Graphics
- Introduction
- Selectors and types of selectors
- Font, text, border, images
- Properties
- Class rules
- Layouts with CSS
- Absolute, relative, fixed positioning
- Float, clear
JavaScript Fundamentals
- Introduction to Procedural Programming
- Front-End HTML, CSS and JavaScript!
- Best Approaches to Learn JS Editors, Where to place your JS Code ?And Using CodePen
- Webkit’s Web Inspector
- Tracking down errors
- JS versions (EcmaScript5andEcmaScript6)
- Browser Support for ES6
- Javascript Output Methods
- JavaScript Variables
- Comments
- Console
- Data Types in JavaScript
- Date Objects
- Operators
- Conditions And Loops (control Structures)
- Arrays and Array Methods
- String and String Methods
- The modern mode," use strict"
- Objects & Functions
- Proto types, objects
DOM (document object model)
- Browser environment ,specs
- DOM tree
- DOM Methods
- Searching: get Element*,query Selector*
- Node properties: type, tag and contents
- Attributes and properties
- Modifying the document
- Styles and classes
- Element size and scrolling
- Window sizes and scrolling
- Coordinates
- Introduction to JavaScript libraries
- Advantages
- Functions and Methods
- Selectors, custom selectors
- Validations
- Animations
- Introduction
- Responsive design
- Classes
- Containers
- Colors, jumbotran, navbar
- Forms, buttons, cards, modals
- Carousel, images
- JSON Data structures
- Difference between XML and JSON
- Project concept will be give and you have to work on that suggestions will be give and progress will be monitored
Advanced working with functions
- Recursion and stack Rest parameters and spread operator Closure
- The old"var"
- Global object
- The "newFunction" syntax
- Scheduling:set Time out and setInterval
- Decorators and forwarding,call/apply
- Function binding
Ajax Development
- Creating the XMLHttp
- Request Object
- Managing Ajax Requests
- JSON, API & AJax
- JSON Introduction
- JSON Parse
- JSON Stringify
- JSON Object
- XMLHttpRequest Object
- XHR Methods
- XHR Properties
ES6 Features
- Let,Var and Const Keywords
- Arrow Functions,Default function arguments
- Template Strings
- Object Destructuring
- Array Manipulation Functions
- Array.from(),Array.of(),Array.find(),Array.findIndex(),Array.some(), Array.every()
- Promises
- Promises, async/await
- Introduction:callbacks
- Promise
- Promises chaining
- Error handling with promises
- Promise API
- Promisification
- Symbols
- Code quality with ESLint
- ES6 Tooling
- Babel,npm,webpack overview
- Classes,Inheritance
- Generators
- Proxies
- Async,await flow control
- Map,Set Operators
- Modules,introduction
- Export and Import
- Dynamic imports
- Introduction to Typescript
- JavaScript & Typescript
- The Type System
- Primitive types & type inference
- Object type & type inference
- Functiontype&typeinference
- Enums,Tuples
- Nullable types
- Union types,intersection types
- Never and void types
- OOPS in typescript
- Classes,Class properties,Static Properties
- Constructors,getters & setters
- Inheritance,Abstract classes,Interfaces
- Access modifiers
- Namespaces and Modules
- Namespaces and multiple files
- Loading modules
- Generics
- Generic functions, classes
- Generic types and arrays
- Constraints
- Decorators
- Class Decorators
- Decorator Factories
- Method Decorators
- Property Decorators
- Parameter Decorators
- Typescript essentials
- tsc and tsconfig file
- debugging typescript
- Understand what is NOSQL
- Describe CRUD
- State the types of NOSQL
- Explain what is Aggregation
- Describe Replication & Sharding
CRUD Operations
- Understand what are Crud Operations
- Explain what is Upsert
- Describe Query Interface
- List the Comparison Operators and Logical Operators
- State what are Wrapped Queriesand Query Operators
Basic Operations
- Crud Operations
- Basic Operations With Mongo Shell
- Data Model
- MongoDB–Datatypes
- BSON Types
- The_idField
- Document
- Document Store
- Blog:ABad Design
- Blog:ABetter Design
- Types of Aggregations
- What is Aggregation?
- The Aggregate() Method
- Pipeline Concept
- Pipelines
- Pipeline Flow
- Pipeline Operators
- $match, $unwind
- $group, $project
- $skip, $limit
- $sort, $first
- $last, $sum
- Understand about Indexes
- Understand different types of Indexes
- Understand properties of Indexes
- Explain Plan in MongoDB
- Mongostat
- Mongotop
- Logging Slow queries
- Profiling
- Replication and Sharding
- Understand about Replication
- Purpose of Replication
- Understand Replica Set
- Sharding
- Sharding Mechanics
- GridFS
Introduction of ExpressJs
- What is ExpressJS
- How Express.js works
- Installation of Express.js
- Basic Example
Templating Engines
- Introduction
- pug Templating Engine
- Working with Tags in pug
- Working with id and classes in pug
- Attributes and Nesting Tags in pug
- Using if & unless in pug
- Using for & each in pug
- Using case & mixins in pug
- Include and Extend in pug
- EJS Templating engine
- Express Handlebars
Working with Express.js
- Introduction
- Introduction to Express.js
- Connect Module
- Express.js Installation
- app.js
- Steps for creating Express.js Application
- application,request,response object properties & methods
- Request-params,body,files,route,header,get
- Response-render,locals,status,json,redirect
Using middleware
- Types of middleware
- Application level middleware
- Express-json,session,logger,compress
- Router level middleware
- Built-in middleware
- Third party middleware
- Express 4.0 Router
Introduction to Angular
- What is Angular?
- Angular Versions: AngularJS (vs) Angular
- Setup for local development environment Installing NodeJS, NPM
- Angular CLI
- Develop First Angular program using Angular CLI and Visual Studio Code.
Angular Architecture
- Introduction
- Basic Building Blocks of Angular Applications
- Angular Modules and @NgModule decorator
- Angular Libraries
- Component, Templates and Metadata
- Data Binding
- Directives
- Services and Dependency Injection
Displaying Dynamic Data
- Types of Directives
- Template Expressions
- String Interpolation
- Built-In Directives
- ngIf
- ngSwitch
- ngFor
- * vs
- When to use
Angular Components Deep Dive
- What are Components?
- Components Life Cycle Hooks.
- Dynamic Components.
- Working with Model Class.
- Nested Components.
- Working with Arrays / Collections.
Data Binding
- Binding properties and Interpolation
- One-way Binding / Property Binding
- Event Binding
- Two-way Binding
- Two-way binding with NgModel
- Attribute Binding
- Style and Class Binding
Styles Binding In Components
- Style and Class Bindings
- Built-In Directives - NgStyle & NgClass
- Using Component Styles
- Special selectors
- Loading Styles into Components
- View Encapsulation
- ViewChild & ViewChildren
- ContentChild & ContentChildren
Template Driven Forms
- Introduction
- Create the component that controls the form
- Create a template with the initial form layout
- Bind data properties to each form input control with the ngModel two-
way data binding syntax
- Add the name attribute to each form input control
- Add custom CSS to provide visual feedback
- Show and hide validation error messages
- Handle form submission with ngSubmit
- Disable the form’s submit button until the form is valid
- Resetting the form.
Reactive Forms
- Reactive Forms Introduction
- More Form Controls
- Form Control Properties
- setValue and patchValue
- Validating Form Elements
- Submitting and Resetting forms
- Observing and Reacting to Form Changes
- Deccansoft Software Services Angular 7 Syllabus
- Using FormBuilder
Working with Pipes
- Built-in Pipes
- Using parameters and chaining Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Parameterized Custom Pipe
- Pipes and Change Detection
- Pure and Impure pipes
- Changes in Pipes Syntax from 4 to 5
Custom Directives
- Custom Attribute Directive
- Using HostListener
- Using HostBinding
- Custom Validator Directive
Dependency Injection
- Understanding Dependency Injection
- Understanding DI in Angular Framework
- ReflectiveInjector
- Exploring Provider
- Types of Tokens
- Types of Dependencies
- Configuring DI using Providers
- Implementing DI in Angular
- Optional Dependencies
Services in Angular
- Building and Injecting Custom Services
- Service using another Service
- Reactive Extension for JavaScript
- Introduction
- Observable and Observer
- Reactive Operators
Http Client Service
- HttpClientModule and HttpClient Classes
- Writing Service with Get / Add / Edit / Delete
- Using Service in Component
Angular Routing
- Introduction
- Configuring and Navigating
- Parameterized routes
- Nested (or) Child Routes
- Router Guards & Routing Strategies
Angular Modules
- App Module as Root Module
- Feature modules
- Lazy Loading a Module
- Shared Module
Introduction to Node JS
- Introduction
- What is Node JS?
- Advantages of Node JS
- Traditional Web Server Model
- Node.js Process Model
- Setup Dev Environment
- Install Node. Js on Windows
- Installing in mac os
- Working in REPL
- Node JS Console
Event Loop
- Callback Concept
- Global Objects
- Streams
- Buffers
- Utility Modules
Node JS Modules
- Functions
- Buffer
- Module
- Module Types
- Core Modules
- Local Modules
- Module .Exports
Node Package Mananger
- What is NPM
- Installing Packages Locally
- Adding dependency in package .js on
- Installing packages globally
- Updating packages
Creating Web server
- Creating web server
- Handling http requests
- Sending requests
- File System
- Fs. Read File
- Writing a File
- Writing a file asynchronously
- Opening a file
- Deleting a file
- Other IO Operations
Debugging Node JS Application
- Core Node JS debugger
- Debugging with Visual Studio
- Event Emitter class
- Returning event emitter
- Inhering events