AWS training in Hyderabad | AWS Coaching centers in hyderabad | AWS Online training |
Kosmik AWS Training in Hyderabad, Kukatpally/KPHB will help you to become an expert in AWS with Hands-on experience on Real-Time Projects to boost your Career. Enroll now for Amazon web Services training in Hyderabad, Kukatpally/KPHB & Clear the AWS Solution Architect Certification exam with our trainers guidance.As the trainers are highly qualified with 9+ years of real-time expirience. This AWS Training sessions consists of more Practical Sessions rather than theory.
What is AWS?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides on demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, groups, companies, and governments on pay as you use basis. These cloud computing web services provide distributed computing processing capacity and software tools via AWS servers. AWS has more services and more features within those services, than any other cloud provider. This makes it faster, easier,and more cost effective to move your existing applications to the cloud and build nearly anything that you can imagine.
Amazon web services offers the most variety of databases that are built purposefully for different types of applications so that you can choose the right tool for the job to get the best performance and cost effective.
Why AWS Course In Kukatpally, Hyderabad @kosmik Technologies
Kosmik Technologies is the best AWS training institutes in Hyderabad kukatpally. we are providing lab facilities with complete real-time training. Amazon Web Services provides an extensive, cost-effective and secure cloud computing service platform.
Benefits of Learning AWS Training in Kukatpally/KPHB
- Increased Enterprise Cloud Migration to AWS
- Expertise in Cloud Computing Is Inevitable for IT Professionals
- AWS Is the Fastest Growing Public Cloud Service
- AWS Skills on the list of most in-demand skills since 2015
- AWS Is the Most Widely Used Platform in Cloud Adoption
- Free-tier Access and Affordable Pricing
- AWS Skills Demand Is Outstripping Supply
- Certification Validates Expertise and Credibility
- AWS Skills Are Well Compensated
AWS Course Syllabus
1. Introduction to Cloud Computing:
- Why Cloud Computing
- What is Cloud Computing
- Cloud Providers
2. Cloud Computing Models:
a. Deployment Models
- Public Cloud
- Private Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
b. Service Models:
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
3. Introduction to Amazon Web Services:
- Why AWS
- What is AWS
- Who is using AWS
- AWS Advantages
- AWS Service Catalog/Framework
- AWS Global Infrastructure
- Regions and Availability Zones – How to choose the right one
- Domains of AWS
4. AWS Subscription & Overview
- Subscription to AWS
- AWS Free tier – Limits and usage
- Introduction to the AWS Management Console
5. AWS Core Services
- Overview of AWS Products and Services
6. Security
a. Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- What is IAM
- Multifactor Authentication
- IAM initial setup and configuration
- IAM users and policies
- IAM groups and policies
- IAM Roles
- IAM Programmatic access
- LAB:
- Creating an IAM Policy
- Creating an IAM User
- Creating an IAM Group
- Creating an IAM Role & connecting via AWS CLI
- Creation of Custom Policies
7. Networking and Content Delivery
a. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- VPC Basics
- Internet Gateways (IGW)
- Route Tables (RTs)
- Network Access Control List (NACLs)
- Subnets
- Availability Zones (VPC Specific)
- LAB:
- Creating a custom VPC
- Setting up internet access for virtual machines
- Create Route Table, NACL, Subnets and connect them
b. Route 53
- Route 53 Basics
- Route 53 Definition
- DNS servers
- Understanding how web servers are located
- Registering a Web Domain
- Configuring Route 53 to use a domain
c. Virtual Private Network
8. Storage Services
a. Simple Storage Service (S3)
- S3 Basics
- Buckets and Objects
- Storage Classes
- Object Lifecycles Management
- Permissions & Object Versioning
- Static Web Hosting with S3 Bucket
- Transit Services
- Snowball
- LAB:
- Creating and Deleting buckets
- Adding objects to buckets
- Getting & Deleting objects
- Create a Static website using S3.
10. Compute Services
a. Amazon EC2 Instance – Concept & LAB
- EC2Basics
- Amazon Machine Images(AMIs)
- What is AMI
- Choosing & Working with AMIs
- Creating your own AMI/Registering your own AMI
- Sharing/Copying AMI to other AWS accounts
- Instance Types
- On-demand instances, Spot instances, Reserved instances
- Elastic Block Store (EBS)
- Creating and deleting volumes
- Attaching and detaching volumes
- Mounting and Unmounting the attached volume
- Creating snapshots & Usage of snapshots
- Increasing the volume size
- Security Groups
- IP Addressing
- Launching and Using an EC2 instance (Windows instance & Linux Instance)
- EC2 Bootstrapping, User Data, and Meta Data
- Key pair and connecting to an EC2 via SSH & RDP
- EC2 Placement Groups
- Elastic Beanstalk Essentials
- Why/when to use Elastic Beanstalk
- Supported Platforms
- LAB:
- Create a Beanstalk application
- Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing
- Benefits and ELB Use Cases
- Pricing/Cost Overview
- ELB Security
- Communication Protocols
- LAB:
- Create a Classic ELB
- Adding Instances to ELB
- Experience the traffic balanced by ELB in Realtime.
- What is Autoscaling?
- Conceptual overview of Auto Scaling
- Auto Scaling Components
- Pricing/Cost Overview
- Launch Configurations
- Auto Scaling Groups
- LAB:
- How to Setup and Use Auto Scaling
- Using Auto Scaling with Elastic Load balancer (ELB)
11. Application Integration
- Usage of SQS
- SQS Types
- LAB:
- Creation of SQS
- Sending messages to the queue
- SNS Components & Usage
- LAB:
- Creation of a topic
- Subscribing to topic via Email
- Setting notification for EC2 instance changes
12. Management Tools
- CloudWatch States
- Monitoring with Cloud watch
- Getting statistics for a specific EC2 instance
- Getting aggregated statistics
- Benefits of Infrastructure as a code
- Introduction to Designer Template
- Introduction to JSON & YAML
- LAB:
- Create an S3 & EC2 using IAAC
- Usage of CloudTrail
- LAB:
- Create a Cloud Trail
13. Disaster Recovery
Kosmiktechnologies Class is one of the best AWS Offline & Online Training institutes in Hyderabad, Kukatpally/KPHB , Aws coaching centers near me
Kosmiktechnologies Training Institute is one of the Most outstanding AWS Training Institutes in Hyderabad ,Kukatpally/KPHB.As the trainers are highly qualified with 9+years of real-time expirience.. The AWS Cloud Computing Training in Hyderabad sessions consists of more Practical Sessions rather than theory.
Kosmik is the best AWS IT training institutes in Hyderabad Kukatpally,KPHB. we are providing lab facilities with complete real-time training.The amazon web services course in hyderabad,Kukatpally/KPHB covers topics from beginner level to advanced level with lots of examples. At last, toward the finish of AWS Cloud Computing Course in Hyderabad you can get 100% job in IT with good papackage. AWS Training in kphb, AWS Training in Kukatpally,AWS Training in Telangana,AWS training institutes in hyderabad, Aws course in hyderavad,amazon web services Training in hyderabad.