spring boot microservices training in hyderabad


Spring Framework & Spring Boot Course Contennt


1.      Framework

a.      Overview

b.      Examples

2.      Spring Framework

a.      Overview

b.      Architecture

c.       Key Modules

3.      Spring Framework Vs Other Frameworks

4.      Spring Framework Key Features

a.      Comprehensive

b.      Modular

c.       Light Weight

d.      POJO Programming

e.      Non-Invasive or Non-intrusive

f.        Loosely Coupled

g.       Aspect Oriented

h.      Easy-to-Learn

5.      Spring Framework Project Setup

a.      Java SE

b.      IDE

                                                              i.      STS IDE

                                                            ii.      (or)

                                                          iii.      Eclipse IDE

c.       STS Plugin [in case STS IDE is not used]

d.      Maven

e.      Web Server

f.        DB Server

6.      Spring Core Container [xml, annotation & spring boot]

a.      Overview

b.      Sub-modules

                                                              i.      core

                                                            ii.      beans

                                                          iii.      context

                                                           iv.      expression

c.       project setup

                                                              i.      Normal Approach [Without using any build tool]

                                                            ii.      Maven Approach

7.      Dependency Injection

a.      Class type dependency

                                                              i.      Login Example

                                                            ii.      Setter & Constructor Injections

                                                          iii.      XML configuration [Spring Bean Configuration File]

                                                           iv.      Overview

                                                             v.      Normal configuration

                                                           vi.      Bean Autowiring

1.      by Name

2.      by Type

3.      constructor

4.      no

                                                         vii.      Annotation based configuration

                                                       viii.      Annotations

1.      Overview

2.      Examples

3.      Servlet implementation using annotations

4.      Annotations in core container


                                                           ix.      Mixed Approach [XML + Annotations]


b.      Primitives & String type dependency

c.       Collection Type Dependency

                                                              i.      List

                                                            ii.      Set

                                                          iii.      Map


8.      Factory Method

9.      Spring Bean Scopes

10.  Method Injection

11.  Spring Bean Life Cycle

a.      Programmatic

b.      Declarative

c.       Annotation

12.  Spring Core container with Spring Boot         

a.      Spring Boot introduction

b.      Spring boot Key features

c.       Spring boot setup

d.      How to create spring core containerbased project using spring boot

                                                              i.      Using Spring initializer (start.spring.io)

                                                            ii.      Using STS Plug-in

e.      How to execute all the above tasks using spring boot

13.  Spring Data Access [XML, Annotation & Spring Boot]

a.      Overview

b.      Sub Modules

                                                              i.      JDBC

                                                            ii.      ORM

                                                          iii.      Transaction

                                                           iv.      OXM

14.  Spring JDBC [XMl, Annotations, Spring Boot]

a.      Overview

b.      Spring JDBC Vs Traditional JDBC                       

c.       Project Setup

                                                              i.      Maven Approach

d.      DataSource Setup

e.      JdbcTemplate Setup  

f.        CRUD Operations

g.       How to pass values to positional parameters?

h.      How to pass values to named parameters?

i.        How to process select query results?

j.        How to map select query results to user defined objects (POJO)?

k.       How to manage the transactions?

l.        How to execute stored procedures?

m.    How to connect to database using JNDI?


n.      Setup project using spring boot

o.      Execute above tasks in spring boot environment


15.  Spring ORM [Xml, Annotation, Spring boot]

a.      Hibernate Overview

b.      Hibernate Project Setup

c.       CRUD Operations Using Hibernate

d.      Spring ORM overview

e.      Spring + Hibernate integration

f.        Spring Boot setup for  spring + hibernate integration


16.  Spring AOP [XML, Annotation, Spring boot]

a.      AOP Overview

b.      AOP Terminology

1.      Aspect

2.      JoinPoint

3.      PointCut

4.      Advice

5.      Target

6.      Weaving

7.      Proxy

c.       Project Setup

d.      Logging aspect

e.      Authentication Aspect

f.        ExceptionHandler Aspect

g.       Spring boot project setup for AOP

h.      Execute above tasks in spring boot env


17.  Spring MVC [XML, Annotation, Spring Boot]

a.      Web App overview

b.      Servlet & JSP Overview

c.       MVC Overview

d.      Spring MVC Project Setup

e.      DisaptcherServlet configuration

f.        Simple Login Example

g.       How to retrieve request params ?

h.      How to retrun the response ?

1.      Simple string

2.      Another HTML page /JSP Page

3.      A List

i.        View Resolver

j.        How to bind request params?

k.       How to redirect from one controller to another controller ?

l.        How to manage multiple sprig bean configurations?

m.    Spring MVC + JDBC integration

n.      Spring MVC + Hibernate integration

o.      Spring MVC + AOP integration

p.      Spring MVC + REST integrtion

q.      Spring MVC + Spring Security


r.        Spring boot project setup

s.       Execute above tasks in boot environment



Discover excellence in software development with Kosmik Technologies Pvt Ltd. We specialize in providing comprehensive training in Spring Boot and microservices. Located in Hyderabad, we are renowned as the best training institute for Spring Boot in KPHB Hyderabad

Elevate your skills in Spring Boot and microservices at Kosmik Technologies Pvt Ltd. As the leading training institute in Hyderabad, we provide hands-on learning experiences that empower individuals to excel in the dynamic world of software development