MERN Stack Development Training in Hyderabad

MERN Stack Development Course Content







About this course


This course will serve as a comprehensive introduction to various topics in SoftwareDevelopment. This course is a proper blend of theory and the practical hands onsession for each and every concept. Throughout the course participants will work on acomplete end to end tech stack in order to implement the concepts learned during the course.



Program Highlights

      •             240+ Hours of Live Lectures
      •             150+ Hours of Live Handson Sessions
      •             100+ Hours of Assignment and Projects
      •             5+ Mini Projects
      •             3+ Major Projects
      •             1 Capstone Project


Learning Outcomes


At the end of the course participants should be able to:


      •             Build an extensive backend API.
      •             Protecting routes/endpoints with JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
      •             Extensive API testing with Postman.
      •             Integrating React with our backend in an elegant way, creating a great workflow.
      •             Building our frontend using React to work with backend API’s
      •             Creating the build scripts and securing the keys before deployment
      •             Deploying all project on live server to get live project links



There are no prerequisites required for the course. But a little knowledge ofprogramming and HTML, CSS and JavaScript is a benefit for the candidate.


Program Overview: (Road Map)




Total Hours


HTML, CSS, CSS preprocessor – Sass,Bootstrap



Javascript, DOM manipulation, Advanced JavascriptES6 , Jquery, AJAX



Problem solving using Data structure & Algorithms



Frontend library - React, Redux, Material UI intro



Node Js& Express






Application integration & Deployment





Course Syllabus


        •             Download and install Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
        •             Overview of Full Stack Development Program


Module – 1 (Front End Development)


        •       HTML intro basic
        •       Tags and Elements
        •       Headings
        •       Paragraphs
        •       Block and inline elements
        •       Tag Attributes
        •       Lists and Tables
        •       Forms
        •       Buttons


        •       Color (all 3 methods)
        •       CSS Selectors
        •       Colors in CSS
        •       CSS Box Model
        •       Margin and Padding Shorthand, and Borders
        •       Text Formatting Styles
        •       Alignment and Floating
        •       Positioning in CSS
        •       Setting Images As Element Background & other property
        •       Pseudo Classes
        •       Flex box, Grids and Positions
        •       CSS Animations
        •       CSS Transformation



    •       Introduction
    •       Layout - Breakpoints, Container, Grid, column, rows
    •       Content - typography, images, table
    •       Forms - overview, form control, select, check & radios, validations
    •       Components - Buttons, Card, Carousel, Dropdown, Navbar, Pagination, popover, progress
    •       Utilities – Background, border, colors, display, flex, position, sizing


      •       Fundamentals - variables, data types, type conversions, basic operators,       comparisons, logical
      •       operators
      •       Loops - while, for, do while
      •       Conditional statement, switch
      •       Arrays and pop(), push(), shift(), unshift()
      •       Functions & function expressions & first class function
      •       Object


      •             Let, const
      •             Arrow functions
      •             Array methods - forEach(), map(), reduce(), filter(), slice(), splice()
      •             Destructuring Object and Array
      •             Spread Operator vs Rest Operator
      •             Template literals
      •             for/in and for/of loop
      •             Promises, async/await
      •             setTimeout(), setInterval()
      •             JavaScript classes & OOPs
      •             Javascript - Excecution context
      •             Call stack
      •             Hoisting
      •             window & this keyword
      •             scope chain, lexical environment
      •             Temporial dead join
      •             Block scope & shadowing
      •             Closure
      •             Event loops


        •             Finding HTML elements - getElementById(), getElementByClassName(),
        •             getElementsByTagName(), querySelector(), querySelectorAll()
        •             Changing HTML elements
        •             Adding and Delete elements
        •             DOM events - onclick(), onchange(), onsubmit(), onload()

Making API call

        •             1- Using fetch()
        •             2 - Using axios()


        •       Ajax intro, How AJAX works ?
        •       XMLHttpRequest
        •       AJAX request/response
        •       API with AJAX


        •       Selectors
        •       Methods
        •       Events - click, submit, change, select, focus, load..
        •       Effects - hide, show, toggle, delay....
        •       Traversing


MERN Stack Training in Hyderabad




Module – 2 (Data Structure and Algorithm)

      •       Arrays – Insertion, Searching, Traverse, Deletion, Target sum
      •       Strings
      •       Bit Manipulation
      •       Searching and Sorting - linear & binary search, Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Merge, Quicksort
      •       Recursion and Backtracking
      •       Hashing
      •       Stacks – LIFO, push() & pop(), seek()
      •       Queues – FIFO, enQueue&deQueue, circular queue
      •       Linked List – Insertion, deletion, midpoint, cycle detection
      •       Trees – Tree Traversal, Binary Tree, Balance Binary tree, AVL tree
      •       Heaps
      •       Greedy Programming – Prim’s, Huffman, Dijkstra Algorithm
      •       Dynamic Programming – maximum subArray sum, longest common subsquence …
      •       Graphs - Adjacency list, BFS , DFS algorithm



        •       Components - class & functional components
        •       JSX
        •       Props & State
        •       useState
        •       useEffect
        •       Componeny Life cycle methods
        •       Pure component
        •       Conditional rendering
        •       List & keys
        •       Form handling & validation
        •       High Order component
        •       API calls - axios& fetch



        •       useContext
        •       useReducer
        •       useRef
        •       useMemo
        •       useCallback
        •       Custom Hook

State management library – Redux


Project on Front End Development

Project Name

Modules Covered

Website Cloning (livewebsites)


Portfolio website


Interactive Rating Card,Movie dashboard webpage,

Country Detail dashboard,News website

HTML + CSS + Javascript+ Javascript DOM

+ API integration

Home page designFood recipe search website,

Cryptocurrency dashboard

React + axios method to integrate API

Multipage webpage whichincludes login page with

form validation, display datain Table

React routing, Form validation& material-table

Online product storewebsite

React state management tool - Redux

MERN Stack Training in Hyderabad



Module – 3 (Backend Development )

Node.js & Express:

    •  Introduction to Node.js ( Node Architecture, How Node Works, Installing Node )

    •  Modules: Built-in and custom & promises & event emitters

    •  NPM packages

      •       Introduction To Express & use of it

      •       Different HTTP method (GET ,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD) and diff and when use what?

      •       Defining routes in EJS and setting a END point in the nodes and

      •       handling the request and response object

      •       Middleware

      •       Security of API end points

      •       JWT token

      •       Authentication and authorization

      •       Building a simple REST API with NodeJS and Express.

Mongo DB:

      •           Database and its kind
      •       Difference between sql&nosql
      •       Introduction to MongoDB, Importing, Exporting & Querying data
      •       Creating & Manipulating Documents
      •       Advanced CRUD operations
      •       Indexing & Aggregation pipeline
      •       Building a Simple Web Application With Node, Express &MongoDB
      •       Library of mongoDB using mongoose to setup the link b/w code and database
      •       Doing all CRUD operation on Database using API

Version Control:

        •         Introduction to Version Control
        •         Introduction to Git and GitHub
        •         Centralized and Distributed Version Control System
        •         Git Basics
        •         Forking
        •         Cloning
        •         Making changes to Local Repositories
        •         Committing and Branching
        •         Collaborating with Multiple Developers


Module – 3 (Live Deployment and CapstoneProject)

Capstone Projects

        •       Food Ordering Application
        •       Blogging Web Application
        •       Social Media Web Application
        •       Youtube Clone
        •       Netflix Clone
        •       Spotify Clone
        •       Splitwise Clone
        •       Etc…


MERN Stack Training in Hyderabad