AngularJS Training In Hyderabad,KUKATPALLY,KPHB
Angularjs training in Kukatpally/KPHB, Hyderabad covers topics from beginner level to advanced level with lots of examples.
Kosmik Technologies is one of the best Angularjs Training Institutes in KPHB, Hyderabad. Here the trainers are highly qualified working one of the MNCs. The Angularjs Training class consists of more practical sessions.
Why Kosmik Technologies for Angularjs Training In Hyderabad, Kukatpally/KPHB
Kosmik is the best Software Training Institute in KPHB, Hyderabad is probably one of the best Angularjs Training Institutes In Hyderabad. As the trainers are highly qualified with 12+ years of real-time expirience. This Angularjs Training sessions consists of more Practical Sessions rather than theory.
Angularjs Training in Hyderabad Kukatpally
The objectives of Angular JS Training in KPHB are:
- Utilizing AngularJS formats adequately
- Presenting route usefulness in web applications
- Securing web applications from dangers & pernicious clients
- Overseeing conditions with Injection frameworks
- Building different AngularJS orders
- Quickly making perplexing structures
- Presenting route usefulness in web applications
- Overseeing conditions with Injection frameworks
Who Can Learn Angular Training in KPHB Hyderabad
Anyone can learn Angular who has the basic knowledge of Html, CSS, & JavaScript but below is the list that shows who can learn Angular Training. Kosmik Angular JS training in Kukatpally Hyderabad helps you learn to build the different projects.
- Software/Web Developers
- Software Engineers
- Testing Professionals
- UX/UI Designers
- Front-end Developers
What is AngularJS?
AngularJS Introduction:
- Introduction To Client Side Scripting Languages
- Basics of JavaScript and jQuery
- Introduction to AngularJS and Its History
- Why should we use AngularJS?
- Properties, Methods
- Binding controllers with views
- Controller hierarchy Sharing data between controllers
- Auto bootstrap
- Custom bootstrap
- Binding Model Objects
- Model Objects Visibility
- $scope
- $root Scope
- Difference between $scope & $root Scope
- Using $emit & $broadcast & Custom events
- JSON advantages
- Using JSON in Angularjs
- Use of $watch, $digest & $apply
- What is Dependency Injection?
- Implicit DI
- Inline Array Annotated DI
- $inject Array Annotated DI
- AngularJs Expressions, AngularJS Numbers
- AngularJS Strings, AngularJS Arrays
- AngularJS Objects
- Power of directives
- Working with built in directives
- ng-app, ng-init
- ng-model, ng-repeat
- ng-class, ng-template
- ng-include …etc
- Working with custom directives
- Adding Filters to Expressions
- Adding Filters to Directives
- Working with built in filters
- Creating custom filters
- ng-click
- Hiding HTML Elements
- ng-disabled
- ng-show, ng-hide
- Controllers Pollute the Global Namespace
- AngularJS Application Files
- AngularJS $http
- Constants & Values, Factories
- Services, Providers
- What is SPA?
- How to work with SPA in angular
- Working with routes
- Static & dynamic routing
- Overview of REST API
- Use of angular resource module
- Overview of transitions
- Use of angular animate module
- Ui boo strap
What is a SPA? What is Angular?
- Single Page Apps vs. Conventional Web Applications
- Where Angular Fits
- Angular-4 arrived (what’s new)
- Brief Intro to Typescript
- The Typescript Module System
- Getting Setup
- Project Setup
- Nodemon
- String Templates
- Const
- Let
- Debugging
- Rest & Spread Operators
- Arrow Functions
- For...of
- Maps
- Sets
- Interface
- Generics
- New Object Features
- Classes
- Destructuring
- Typescript decorators
- A Trivial Component
- Nested Components
- Deeper Nesting
Bootstrap Scaffolding
- What Is Bootstrap?
- Bootstrap File Structure
- Basic HTML Template
- Global Styles
- Default Grid System
- Fluid Grid System
- Bootstrap CSS
- Typography
- Code
- Tables
- Forms
- Buttons
- Images
- Icons
- Templates
- Bindings
- Event Bindings
- Two-way Binding
- Class and Style Bindings
- Built-in Directives
- Component Data Binding
- Component Events
- Ng-model
- Introduction to web pack/systemJS
- Why Dependency Injection?
- Injection API
- Component Multi Providers
- Injection Multi Providers
- Services Overview
- Creating a Service
- Injecting a Service
- Introduction and Examples
- Directives Overview
- Attribute Directives
- Custom Attribute Directive
- Structural Directives
Structural Directive: ngIf
Structural Directive: ngFor
Structural Directive: ngSwitch
Custom Structural Directive
- Using Pipes
- Creating Pipes
- Built-in Pipes
- Chaining Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Stateful Pipes
- Controls
- Control groups
- FormBuilder
- Template Driven Approach
- Data Driven Approach
- Introduction and Use
- Creating and configuring Routes
- Imperative Routing
- Routing Parameters
- Child Routes
- Routing Lifecycle Hooks
- Setting up Firebase
HTTP GET Request
- Promises - still available, still useful
- Calling an API via HTTP
- Introduction to Observables
- Observable Bindings
- Observables Operators
- Unit Testing
- End to End Testing