Dot Net Core Training in Hyderabad
Introduction to .Net Core
• What is .Net Core ?
- ASP.NET Core is the new version of the ASP.NET Web Framework mainly targeted to run on .NET Core Platform.
- ASP.NET Core is a free, open-source, high-performance, light-weight, and cross-platform framework for building cloud-based applications, such as web apps, IoT apps, and mobile backend. It is designed to run on the cloud as well as on-premises.
- Nuget Packages
• History Of .Net Core
- The ASP.NET Core is not a continuous part of the ASP.NET 4.x Framework. Instead, it is a completely new framework.
- This Framework is an actual re-write of the current ASP.NET 4.x Framework, but with much smaller and a lot more modular.
- Some people think that many things remain the same, but that is not completely true. The ASP.NET Core is actually a big fundamental change to the ASP.NET Framework.
Why Asp.Net Core ?
- The ASP.NET Core framework becomes more and more popular among developers. There are a number of reasons why modern developers are using it and some of them are listed below.
- Open Source
- Cross Platform
- CLI Support
- Container Support
- Unified MVC With Web API Framework
- Testing and Maintainability
- Integration With Modern UI Frameworks
- Hosting
- Code Sharing
- The ASP.NET Core framework becomes more and more popular among developers. There are a number of reasons why modern developers are using it and some of them are listed below.
Dot Net Core Course Syllabus
.Net Core Basics
- Introduction to .Net Core Framework
- Environment SetUp
- Creating Asp.Net Core Web Application
- .Net Core Project File
- .Net Core Main Method
- Asp.Net Core InProcess Hosting
- Kernal Server Overview
- Asp.Net Core OutOfProcess Hosting
- Configuration Files (launchSetting.json,appSetting.json,startUp Class,wwwroot folder)
- Middleware Components
- Request Process Pipeline
- Static Files & Exceptions in Middleware
- Configuring the Default Page
- Command Line Interface
Entity Framework Core to Connect Database
- Introduction to EF Core
- Installation of EF Core
- Creating DB Context classes & Approaches
Asp.Net Core MVC
- Introduction to Asp.Net Core MVC & Setup MVC
- Creating MVC Core Application
- Dependency Injection
- Controllers ,Models ,Views
- View Data,ViewBag
- Strongly Typed Views & View Models
- Routing & Custom Routing & Attribute Routing
- Asp.Net Core Layout with View Start
- Adding Bootstrap into layout
- HTML Helper Tags & Navigation Menus
- Form Tag Helpers
- Model Binding
- Creating Web API using .Net Core