Azure Data Engineering Training in Hyderabad | Azure Data Engineer Course in KPHB Hyderabad



1.      Azure Data Factory

·       Setting Up Service

·       Pipelines

·       Activities

·       Datasets

·       Linked Services

·       Triggers

·       Integration Run Time

·       Data Flow

·       Power Query

·       Parameters

·       Variables

·       Integration with Key Vault

·       Integration with Databricks

2.      Storage

·       Blob Storage

·       Data Lake (Medallion Architecture)

o   File Share

o   Queues

o   Blobs

o   Tables

3.      Azure Databricks

·       Setting up Azure Databricks

·       Azure Databricks Architecture

·       Cluster Types and Configuration

·       Driver vs Worker

·       Setting up and Exploring the Databricks Cluster

·       Exploring Databricks notebooks and utilities

·       Community Edition of Databricks

4.      PySpark & SQL

·       SQL Basics

·       Python Basics

·       Introduction to PySpark

·       Data Frames

·       Partitioning Data

·       Transformations using PySpark

5.      Azure Synapse Analytics

·       Introduction to Synapse

·       Setting up Workspace

·       Synapse SQL Architecture

·       Serverless SQL pool

·       Dedicated SQL pool

·       Spark pool

·       Distributions (Hash, Round Robbin & Replicated)

·       External file format

·       External tables

·       Creating notebooks and pipelines in Synapse

6.      Other Azure Components

·       Subscription & Resource Group

·       Key Vaults

·       Logic Apps

·       Azure Monitor

·       Active Directory

·       Stream Analytics

·       Event Hub

·       Pricing Calculator

7.     Azure DevOps

·       Git Repos

·       Branches

·       Pipelines

·       Boards