How to handle frame in selenium webdriver using java?

Selenium Webdriver Wait



What is a frame?

Frame is just like as a container where few elements can be grouped.

How to identify frame inside a webpage?

There are different ways to identify frame inside a webpage

Way 1:


  • Open webpage in a browser.

webelement in a webpage

  • Right click on webelement in a webpage

frame inside a webpage

Way 2:

  • Open webpage in a browser.
  • Right click on webelement in a webpage
  • Open source code(Html Code) of the webpage by clicking inspect element with firebug option see below image.

iframe source code

How to handle an element inside the frame?

There are 4 ways to handles frames in selenium web driver.

Switch to frame by using index:

Method 1 :

Suppose if there is single frame in a webpage then we can switch to the iframe by using index.

Here is the sample code:

Syntax : driver.switchTo().frame(int index);

Example : driver.switchTo().frame(0);

Note : By default single frame index value ‘ 0’.That means when webpage has  only one frame then the index will be zero.

Method 2 :

Suppose if there are 3 frames in a webpage then we can switch to the iframe by using index.

Here is the sample code:

Syntax :

List framelist=driver.findElements(By.tagName("iframe"));

driver.switchTo().frame(framelist.get(int index));

Example :

List framelist=driver.findElements(By.tagName("iframe"));


//switchTo 1st frame by using index




//switchTo 2nd frame by using index




//switchTo 3rd frame by using index



Switch to frame by using Id or Name :

We can also use Name and Id attributes of iframe through which we can switch to iframes.

Here is the sample code:

Syntax 1:

driver.switchTo().frame(“Id of  the element”);

Html code :

iframe html code                                                                                   Example : driver.switchTo().frame(“rightMenu”);

Syntax 2:

driver.switchTo().frame(“Name of  the element”);

Html code :

iframe html code Example :


Switch to frame by using WebElement :

We can also switch to the frame using webelement.

Here is the sample code:

Syntax :


Html code :

iframe html code

Example : driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(“rightMenu”)));

How to get all the frames in a webpage ?

get all the frames in a webpage

Html code :

Open notepad and type the below Html code and save as frames.html





Click on Gmail



Example :

package seleniumProject;


import java.util.List;


import org.openqa.selenium.By;


import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;


import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;


import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;


public class getTotalFrames {


          public static void main(String[] args) {


//   Open Firefox Browser  


WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


//   Open AppURL In Browser




 // count all the frames on a webpage


List total_frames=driver.findElements(By.tagName("iframe"));




//close the current browser window






How to verify TestNg text inside 3rd frame?

verify TestNg text inside 3rd frame

Selenium Sample Code :

package seleniumProject;

import java.util.List;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class getTotalFrames {

          public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Open Firefox Browser  

  WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

   //  Open AppURL In Browser


 //count all the frames on a webpage

 List total_frames=driver.findElements(By.tagName("iframe"));


 //Switch to 3rd Frame by using Index


  //Identify and get the text and store into testNg_text variable

 String testNg_text=driver.findElement(By.xpath("html/body/h2[1]")).getText();

   //print the text from 3rd frame


  //verify the text from 3rd frame



             System.out.println("TestNG text verified successfully");



             System.out.println("TestNG text not verified successfully");


 //How switch back to main window from inside any frame ?


   //Close the Firefox Browser




Note :

switch back to main window from inside any frame

1. Switch to 3rd Frame by using Index

Syntax :   driver.switchTo().frame(total_frames.get(index));

Example :   driver.switchTo().frame(total_frames.get(2));

2.Switch to 3rd  Frame by using Id

Syntax :   driver.switchTo().frame(“Id of the element”);

Example :   driver.switchTo().frame(“selenium”);

If no id then go for Name.

3.Switch to 3rd  Frame by using Name

Syntax :   driver.switchTo().frame(“Name of the element”);

Example :   driver.switchTo().frame(“selenium”);

 4.Switch to 3rd  Frame by using WebElement

 Syntax :   driver.switchTo().frame(WebElement);

Example :   driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(“selenium”);

How switch back to main window from inside any frame ?

Syntax : driver.switchTo().defaultContent();

How to handle frame in selenium webdriver using java


Open Firefox Browser

Open AppURL In Browser

Get the Title of WebPage

Verify Title of WebPage

Enter the username

Enter the password

Clicking On Login Button

Identify and get  the Welcome selenium text

Verify  Welcome selenium text

Switch to frame

Handle DropDown in Selenium

a) How to print all the dropdown values

b) How to Select the dropdown value inside a frame

c) verify selected value from dropdown

d) How to Verify dropdown values

Again switch back to main window from frame

Clicking On Logout Button

Close the Firefox Browser

Selenium Code :

package com.tests;


import java.util.List;


import org.openqa.selenium.By;


import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;


import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;


import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;;


publicclassOrangeHRM_login {


           publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) throwsInterruptedException {


// open the firefox browser


WebDriver driver = newFirefoxDriver();


// navigate the AppUrl




 //Get the Title of WebPage


String title=driver.getTitle();


//print the title of the webpage




//Verify Title of the WebPage


if (title.equals("OrangeHRM - New Level of HR Management")) {


                             System.out.println("title is verified successfully");


                   } else {


System.out.println("title is not verified successfully");




 // Enter the username




// Enter the password




// Clicking On Login Button




// Identify and get  the Welcome selenium text and store into text variable


String text = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='option-menu']/li[1]")).getText();


// Print the welcome selenium text




//  To verify whether the welcome page successfully opened or not


if (text.equals("Welcome selenium")) {


          System.out.println("Welcome selenium is verified successfully");


                   } else {


                             System.out.println("Welcome selenium is not verified successfully");




// Switch to Frame by ID




System.out.println("****How to print all the dropdown values inside a frame****");

 Identify the dropdown

// Identify the dropdown


WebElement dropdown = driver.findElement("loc_code"));


// Identify  dropdown values  and store into droplist  variable


List droplist = dropdown.findElements(By.tagName("option"));


// How to print all the dropdown values


                    for (inti = 0; i<droplist.size(); i++) {






System.out.println("*****How to Select the dropdown value inside a frame*****");


 Select the dropdown value inside a frame


                    If u want to select the dropdown value then we need to create the select object for that dropdown



Select s = new Select(dropdown);


// Select the dropdown value by using index




//s.selectByVisibleText("Emp. First Name");




System.out.println("****verify selected value from dropdown inside a frame *****");


verify selected value from dropdown inside a frame


//get the selected value and store into selected_value variable


String  selected_value=s.getFirstSelectedOption().getText();


//print selected value


 System.out.println("selected_value  :"+selected_value);


//verify selected value from dropdown


                   if (selected_value.equals("Emp. First Name")) {


                             System.out.println("selected value  verified successfully");


                   } else {


                             System.out.println("selected value not verified successfully");




// How switch back to main window from inside any frame




// Clicking On Logout Button




// Close the Firefox Browser







 Click here: How to verify multiple checkboxes in a webpage using selenium? Click here: Steps to configure Selenium WebDriver with java to develop test scripts

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