In Tableau there are four types of pills. In this they related to the three parts of series. The four type of pills . They are discrete dimension, discrete measure, continuous measure, continuous dimension. From these concepts tableau can understand . and also they are important topics to understand the tableau. In general the relational database is also understand by these concepts. This article will be explains and particularly depends on the low emotions. This concept will be explains the numerical dimensions, and the non-numeric measures. If you will be learn more information on the Dimensions and Measures. Then basic properties are also known.
Basics of the Dimensions and measure
Dimensions can calculated by the quality and the measures. It can calculated by the quantity of the data. Tableau usually changes the data and it will based on the category of the data. The Basics of the Dimensions and Measures are can placed on the view of the page. They are dimension create in header, and measures creates in axes.
Green fields = continuous (create axes)
Blue fields = discrete (create headers)
Bold fields = sorted
Fields with AGG() or something else aggregated
Fields with no () are Discrete (often a dimension, not )
ATTR() runs something like “if MIN(var) = MAX(var) then return var”, so it’s often the largest value.
In header the discrete value can added and the view can added by the axes if it is continuous. If the difference is agree. Then you have to be continuous dimensions or discrete measures in the view. Measures calculated in total values.
Notes from Webex:
Tableau can expose the results and it is the SQL generator. If you have to known the work of dimensions and measures and They have to built in the pipeline.
Context Filter:- In data source they can create the temp table in global or local. When it used in the filter the bunch of stuff only. Ex. testing.( It may use only the analysis of admission in readmission )
Top N Filter or Conditions
Remaining all filters are went into the WHERE clause.
Below the aggregations applied;
-Aggregated filter fields applied. These returned to the tableau.
-Performing the table calcs
-Table calcs are filtering- this is the final layer.
Reference lines calculated.
Null marks are not displaying or it will be hide
Excluding/ Hiding
By using the format pane null marks will hidden
If u click the right click the values in dimensions hidden
Others will eliminated.
Level of Detail Shelf
The dimensions are not to want to do the set of attributes by the group( mark the many results ). It used tototale the speed processing also.
Reference and Average:
Reference lines calculated on the results. These results are different from the average calculation on table. The data underlying data by the total functions. These changes known as the reference lines. These known as the AVG() to Total(). They will make the results are different.
After table calculations filter the reference lines calculated and applied.
Notes from Mar:
-For addressing and separation in tableau the dimensions are available.
-In table calcs affects the aggregation or dimensions. They resulting the dimensions are more and the aggregates are returns the less marks. Continuous vs discrete doesn’t change the marks.
-If you want to ignore the aggregations by using the table calcs by using the ATTR dimension. Aggregation is not the reason for separation.