Data Analysis Expressions

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) if it was the first time to hear the name then you has to scare. But it is not too fool you. These formulas are very easy to understand and learn. Before learning the Data Analysis Expressions you have to know one thing. That is it is not a programming language, it is formula based language. It used for measures and calculated columns by the custom calculations. used to calculate some functions. They are Excel formulas and extra functions. These are building to form the relational data. To check the performance is effective and powerful aggregations.
Data Analysis Expressions

Understanding DAX Formulas

Excel formals and Data Analysis Expressions formulas both are same. To build an equal sign or name by any given functions of expressions or name, and any arguments or values. Such as Data Analysis Expressions or Excel it offers the different type of functions. Understanding DAX Formulas or that type of function. Which they are using in work with creating conditional values. Perform calculations by using the times and dates, and strings.

Different type of DAX formulas given by in important ways in below:

· If we have to build or calculate the calculations in row-by-row basis. By using DAX formulas, DAX offers the functional language. That is use the row value or a considering value. That is results can be performing the calculations carried by the context.
· Dax can offer the different type of functions. Then the results may express as the table of the return results. These results are can offered or provided to the other functions or input.
· Dax can allow the results in Time Intelligence Functions. It used in the range of the times and dates. And they compared to the parallel periods to the results.

By using the formula bar to create Formulas:

· If we have to create the formula bar by using the Power pivot. It is same as the excel to offer the formula bar. If edit the formula bar also it used. And it used to cut the typing and syntax errors, and to auto complete the functionalities.
· To enter the name of a table: start with typing the name of the table. Auto Complete formula bar offers the drop down list. And it contains the accurate names. And they are starting with the simple names.
· To enter the name of a column: In this we have to type or select the brackets. And after we have to choose the column by the current list of the column table. In the table in the column we have to type or select the first letter or name. After we have to choose the name in the Autocomplete drop-down list.

How to Utilise the Autocomplete:

· In the nested functions. The Autocomplete formula can used in the middle of the existing functions. Before the text the introduction point has been display. In the value of the drop-down list, and after the text the introduction point has unchanged.
· If you are creating for the constants. Then you have to define the name but not display in the Autocomplete drop-down list. But also you have to type the names.
· In closing departure or match departure cannot add in the Power Pivot. The each function uses the formula or cannot save. Then also we have to make must and shout it make sure on that function.