50 Things about Data Science
This is, on one hand, great thing. Multiple prominent data science innovators is out there giving you free advice on your most pressing questions. Add to that the plethora of graduate degrees now available online, for everything from data science to counseling to online EdD, and you’ve got a bonafide smorgasbord of educational options to jumpstart your entry into one of the fastest-growing careers of the century.
Who is data scientist and 50 things of Data science
- By definition, all scientists are data scientists. In my opinion, they are half hacker, half analyst, they use data to build products and find insights.
- Possessed is probably the right word. I regularly tell individuals, I would prefer not to fundamentally be an information researcher. You only sort of are an information researcher.
- I think of data science as more like a practice than a job. Think of the scientific method, where you have to have a problem statement, generate a hypothesis, collect data.
- As a data scientist, I can predict what is likely to happen, but I cannot explain why it is going to happen. I can predict when someone is likely to attrite.
- Data scientists are kind of like the new Renaissance folks, because data science is inherently multidisciplinary.
- Data Scientist Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.
- As data scientists, our job is to extract signal from noise.
- The job of the data scientist is to ask the right questions. If I ask a question like how many clicks did this link get? Which is something we look at all the time, that’s not a data science question?
- An information researcher models driven investigations of our information; breaks down to enhance our arranging, increment our profitability, and build up our more profound levels of topic mastery.
- Data scientists are able to think of ways to use data to solve problems that otherwise would have been unsolved, or solved using only intuition.
- What sort of personality makes for an effective data scientist? Definitely curiosity…. The biggest question in data science is why?
- There is a saying, a jack of all trades and a master of none. With regards to being an information researcher you should be somewhat similar to this, yet maybe a superior saying would be a handyman
How do I become a data scientist?
13. My number one piece of advice always is to follow your passions first. Know what you are good at and what you care about, and pursue that. 14. One thing is you’ve got to have passion. This rich passion for going ruthlessly after the problem and being deeply intellectually honest with yourself about whether this is a reasonable answer….“The second part is having the ability to be extremely clever with the data. And what I mean by that is: You are working with ambiguity. 15. I do not know how you teach someone to love to learn, but being self-motivated is integral to this field. 16. You can best learn data mining and data science by doing, so start analyzing data as soon as you can. 17. The best way to become a data scientist is to do data science 18. Learning how to do data science is like learning to ski. You have to do it. 19. Read as much as possible, and if you wish to become a Big Data Scientist, practice is vital. 20. As data researcher, regardless of the possibility that you don't have the area skill you can learn it,and can chip away at any problem that can be quantitatively described. 21. Data science learning curve is formidable. To a great degree, you will need a degree like it, to prove you are committed to this career Classroom instruction is important. 22. In my view, an accomplishment for information science experts depends on getting to be noticeably prepared and capable of data science with the ability to perform data processing and computation at a massive scale. 23. There is no bottleneck for data scientists. The bottleneck is very often for companies who do not have a culture of working with data to actually cut down the process into the right steps. 24. When you have a specific measure of math/details and hacking aptitudes. It is greatly improved to gain establishing in at least one subject than in including
What makes a good data scientist?
25. The thought process is the most important ingredient in data science 26. Being an information researcher is not just about information crunching. It's about understanding the business challenge, creating some valuable actionable insights to the data. 27. Without a grounding in statistics, a Data Scientist is a Data Lab Assistant. 28. Having skills in statistics, math, and programming is certainly necessary to be a great analytic professional, but they are not sufficient to make a person a great analytic professional. 29. Gifted information researchers use information that everyone sees, visionary information researchers use information that no one sees. 30. What makes a decent researcher awesome is inventiveness with information, distrust and great relational abilities. 31. Good data science is exactly the same as good science…. Good data science will never be measured by the terabytes in your Cassandra database, the number of EC2 nodes your jobs is using. 32. Critical thinking skills...really apart the hackers from the true scientists, for me. You must must be able to question every step of your process and every number that you come up with. 33. How do we start to regulate the mathematical models that run more and more of our lives? I would suggest that the process begins with the modelers themselves. 34. With too little information, you won't have the capacity to make any conclusions that you trust. With heaps of information you, will find relationships that aren't real. 35. Data analysts who don't organize their transformation pipelines often end up not being able to repeat their analyses. 36.Great data scientists never assume they know something without in-depth analysis, they think in hypotheses which need to be either rejected or proved, and they ask a lot of questions 37. For me, data science is a mix of three things: quantitative analysis, programming, and storytelling. 38.The difference between a great and a good one is like the difference between lightning and alighting bug.
How should I communicate data science findings?
39. The numbers have no way of speaking for themselves. We speak for them. We imbue them with meaning. 40. One of the big challenges of being a data scientist that people might not usually think about is that the results or the insights you come up with have to make sense and be convincing. 41.An information researcher must have the skill of having the capacity to recognize business esteem from numerical models. 42.People like simple explanations for complex phenomena. If you work as a data scientist, or if you are planning to hire once, you have probably seen storytelling listed as one of the key skills. 43. You need to be able to take a dataset and discover and communicate what's interesting about it for your users.
What is the value of data science courses?
44. We are entering a new world in which data may be more important than software. 45. Every business is will become digital business. Data scientists are key players in this process. 46. What does it mean to live in era where things and people infinitely observed? Just because you can’t measure it easily does not mean it’s not important. 47. Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves.
What is the future of data science?
48. We should expect a ‘Big Data 2.0’ phase to follow ‘Big Data 1.0’. Once firms have become capable of processing massive data in a flexible fashion, they should begin asking 49.As the field grows, keep an open mind and evolve with it. Think outside the box, and learn as much as you can about the technical side of being a data scientist. 50.Nobody ever talks about motivation in learning. Data science is a broad and fuzzy field, which makes it hard to learn.